IntegrART 8

W nowej edycji 2024/2025 – Projekt IntegrART 8 dołączyła do naszego zespołu Emma.
Polska wersja poniżej
My name is Emma from Germany and I am one of the lucky ones, who got chosen for the IntegrART project, for the year 2024\25 and I will be volunteering at the cultural club, of the beautiful neighborhood, Wola.
I am 20 years old and I finished high school almost a year ago now. Since then I was jobbing for some time in my hometown, which is located in the south of the Black Forest.
I am a very optimistic person who just likes to enjoy life as it is. Of course it’s not always that easy to keep this mindset, especially considering what is going on in the world right now, but I think there will always be things in life, that are waiting for us to be discovered and enjoyed. Like a beautiful poem you haven’t read yet, a new hair color you never tried, a song that you never heard before – or a nice workshop in your local club, you never visited earlier.
This is one of the main reasons I applied for this project, because it offers the opportunity for everyone to find something that brings them joy and it accentuates the meaning of culture, which is bringing people together.
For me painting is the main medium that I use to communicate my emotions and thoughts, so I would love to see you letting yourself go as a part of an artsy workshop with me!
I am planning to offer you workshops where you can deal with any kind of emotion, by bringing it to paper, in a safe environment where there is no right or wrong.
I already fell in love with Krakow and its architecture and there is still so much to discover! I am looking forward to expand my horizons by getting the opportunity to learn about the polish culture and the people in Wola.

Nazywam się Emma, przyjechałam z Niemiec i jestem jedną ze szczęśliwców, którzy zostali wybrani do projektu IntegrART8. Przez najbliższy rok będę wolontariuszką w Klubie Kultury Wola w waszej pięknej dzielnicy.
Mam 20 lat i niecały rok temu skończyłem liceum. Od tego czasu pracowałem przez jakiś czas w moim rodzinnym mieście, które znajduje się na południu Schwarzwaldu.
Jestem niepoprawną optymistką, która po prostu lubi cieszyć się życiem takim, jakie jest. Oczywiście nie zawsze jest łatwo zachować takie nastawienie, zwłaszcza biorąc pod uwagę to, obecną sytuację na świecie, ale myślę, że zawsze znajdą się w życiu rzeczy, które czekają na nas, aby je odkryć i cieszyć się nimi.
Na przykład piękny wiersz, którego jeszcze nie przeczytałaś/łeś, nowy kolor włosów, którego nigdy nie próbowałaś/łeś, piosenka, której nigdy wcześniej nie słyszałaś/łeś – lub…. fajne warsztaty w lokalnym klubie, gdzie wcześniej nie było Ci po drodze 🙂
Jest to jeden z głównych powodów, dla których zgłosiłam się do tego projektu, ponieważ oferuje on każdemu możliwość znalezienia czegoś, co przynosi mu radość i podkreśla znaczenie kultury, która łączy ludzi.
Dla mnie malarstwo jest głównym medium, którego używam do komunikowania swoich emocji i myśli, więc chciałbym, abyś pozwolił sobie na udział w warsztatach artystycznych ze mną!
Planuję zaoferować Ci warsztaty, podczas których będziesz mógł poradzić sobie z każdym rodzajem emocji, przenosząc je na papier, w bezpiecznym środowisku, w którym nie ma dobra ani zła.
Dodatkowo już teraz jestem zakochana w Krakowie, jego architekturze i innych miejscach.
Aktywności Emmy:
Women’s painting workshop “Expression of the feminine”
23.October 2025 – 26.February 2024
I started this workshop because, even though our world is progressing, there are still too many situations where women’s emotions are not as validated as men’s when it comes to expressing feelings. (“You’re crazy.” “Are you on your period?” “You’re being way too emotional right now.” – These are definitely sentences we have all heard before.)
So, I wanted to create a safe space for those who chose to participate, allowing them to put every emotion—whether from the past or present—that has been unheard or is simply difficult to deal with, onto paper. The only structure I introduced was having a different emotion for each session. From the very beginning, it was important to me that there was no right or wrong, and I am very grateful to have witnessed how different people intuitively approach different emotions.
International Board Games Event
I am glad to say that the volunteer at Dworek, Johanna, has decided to continue the legacy of last year’s volunteers: the International Board Games Event.
I have had the opportunity to help out on multiple occasions by preparing the room, welcoming participants, and entertaining them during this recurring event. I look forward to participating in more of these events for as long as I am part of this project.

International Volunteering Day at the Secondary School LO XXVII
05.December 2024
We prepared a variety of interactive games that allowed students to learn about volunteering and the ESC program in a fun way: Each student received a passport where they could collect stamps from the different stands we set up, such as the photo booth or “The Language Game.” Those who collected all the stamps earned a reward. The passports also contained QR codes that students could scan to access more information about volunteering opportunities.
To find out more about this journey, click here

Shelter Donations Project in collaboration with Klub Kultury Przegorzały
09.-19. December 2024
If not for homeless animals, then for whom should we offer our help? I have two dogs myself, and even before coming here, I knew I wanted to do this project.
Together with the volunteer from Przegorzały, I set up one donation box per cultural club, allowing people to contribute between December 9th and 19th. We were thrilled to see how many people decided to donate, and of course, our furry friends were even happier to receive an early Christmas treat—along with a visit from us volunteers (we wanted to adopt all of them, of course!).
Winter workshops
20.-31.January 2025
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work with Miguel, the Spanish volunteer from LO XXVII High School, on the winter workshops.
Although it was a bit overwhelming at first, as I had never worked with children before, we quickly found our rhythm and had a lot of fun. We even managed to teach them a bit about our cultures—they especially loved the Schoko-Schoko-La-La hand game (as you can see from the picture…).

German Classes
Start: 12. February 2025
Even though German is not my mother tongue, I am glad to have the opportunity to speak it fluently and teach it at a basic level to children aged 7 to 11, using an experience-based curriculum.

Exhibition: Emotions in the air – paintings of the workshop “Expression of the feminine” to celebrate international Womens day
8. March 2025
The reason I started this workshop was to raise awareness about the shared experience among women of not being heard or understood when expressing emotions.
Thanks to Johanna, this exhibition was able to take place at Centrum Kultury Dworek Białoprądnicki, providing a great opportunity to reach more people with this message.
If you are interested in the details check out our Post on Instagram: click here
Social Media posts
Bridging Cultures : A series of stories on Instagram/Facebook, comparing the similarities and differences between Hungarian and Polish culture
See an example about Traditional Clothing click here
“Fasnacht”: The Time My Region Goes Crazy – 27.02.2025
A post about a tradition from my region in Germany, where we can truly let ourselves go—hiding behind unique, hand-crafted traditional masks while getting thrown into hay or even wrapped up like a Christmas tree!